Thanks, Paul. I'll look for it. I hadn't scanned the original in color
because it's B&W and I couldn't see any obvious color cast. However,
there may very well be some color info in there that can be taken
advantage of.
Color scanning has been useful for some of the B&W prints. One album
had pages of heavy black paper. But when the paper got thoroughly
soaked it started bleeding a reddish-purple dye all over the prints.
Scanning in color and desaturating the red channel goes a long way to
fixing it.
Chuck Norcutt
On 9/18/2011 12:40 AM, Paul Laughlin wrote:
> On Operation Photo Rescue, there is a way of using one of the channels
> and the Luminosity blending mode to help in restoration. Just wondered
> if it might help.
> Paul in Portland OR
> On 9/17/2011 9:15 AM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
>> But one print in particular is causing me some frustration. There's
>> actually very little damage (just some white speckling near the top of
>> the image which is nothing but the back wall of the church... easy fix).
>> However, scanning the image in order to effect the repair, causes more
>> trouble than the original speckling. On the groom's very black tuxedo
>> the scan shows wispy, wavy light gray bands crossing most of his jacket.
>> If I examine the original print very closely and hold it at just the
>> right angle I can see the same phenomenon visually and it's due to the
>> print not being perfectly flat. But the scan itself makes it 10 times
>> more visible than it actually is and, of course, you don't have to hold
>> it "just so" in order to see it.
>> I've tried re-dampening and pressing the print again to get it flatter.
>> I've tried adding weight (lots of books) to press it flat. Nothing
>> seems to help. No matter what I do, what I can just barely see with my
>> eye stands out like a sore thumb in the scan.
>> I know how to fix it. I discovered that I can make another layer,
>> increase the contrast until the gray disappears, add a mask to reveal
>> the original and then paint with white to reveal the darkened area
>> above. Works OK but is very tedious to blend in properly with the brush.
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