I'm currently evaluating PSE9 for a friend. As in full PS just use the
lasso or other selection tool to select an area. Then press CTRL-L to
show a histogram of that area. Use the pull-down menu to select views
of the individual RGB channels if desired.
But being able to get a detailed view of the histogram in PS doesn't
address my concern. I want to see it in-camera so I know if my current
exposure settings will result in blown highlights.
The 5D is getting pretty long-in-the-tooth as far as its small LCD
display is concerned. Maybe a more modern camera with 3" wide OLED will
show me what I want to know.
One thing I do not like about ACR is that the histogram and intensity
readouts do not show the headroom that is available in the raw file.
For example, yesterday, while working on photos of dancers under
strongly colored stage lights, the histogram and the cursor readout
(showing 255) told me that the red channel was blown in some parts of
the image. Yet, since it's a raw file there was still adjustment room
there. Adjusting the exposure downward allowed me to get the apparently
blown areas down to a max of 248. I want the ACR histogram to say 262
if there's adjustment room available.
Chuck Norcutt
On 9/9/2011 2:26 AM, Moose wrote:
>> I now understand Chuck's comment that he would like to see a
>> magnified image of the right side of the histogram.
> Can you select areas in PSE? In PS, select the area of concern, and
> view the histogram for just that area. That isn't strictly the top
> end magnified, but it does show any problems.
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