Thanks Moose! It's great to read list mails again and see that so many
people from back in the day are still around. The new job is making
good use of the doctorate - I'll be working at the Very Large Telescope
in Chile for the next three years. I think I will have plenty of
opportunities to do night photography while I'm there.
Great to see the new eSIF mirror. Thanks for keeping it going - it's
still an awesome resource. My mirror will disappear around the 16th of
September I think.
> Nice to hear from you, Roger!
> Finally getting some good use out of the doctorate? I hope it turns our to be
> excellent.
> I've tossed a copy of the eSIF up here. <>
> Seems to be complete, as far as some random wandering can tell.
> e SIF Moose
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: