Apples and oranges. Mike's comment to which I replied was "I have read that
brightness in PS will not cause clipping,"
My response was specific to PS and the Brightness control in it. And it is
accurate. I use it quite often and know how
it works. I have also just tried it out, and it certainly may be used to clip
highlights or shadows, in both of its two
Unfortunately, different apps, even from the same company, often use the same
names for controls that work differently.
It is possible that whatever Mike recalls was a reference to LR, not PS; I have
no way of knowing. The control/edit
models of PS and LR are quite different, and I seem to recall that the
names/actions of the sliders seemed different to
me. I tried the first version of LR, disliked it and have not used it since. I
would not comment on any LR subject.
I didn't read your post beyond seeing that it refers to LR, as it would be of
no use to me.
On 8/29/2011 12:25 AM, Jez Cunningham wrote:
> Tim Grey's newsletter (y'are all subscribed aren't you?) addressed
> Brightness vs Exposure recently, thus:
> ... I can go to the image in Lightroom, ...
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