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Re: [OM] IMG: Insects on Flowers

Subject: Re: [OM] IMG: Insects on Flowers
From: "Chris Trask" <christrask@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2011 15:22:20 -0700
> I think that the orange is so strong in the bright sun that it imparts an
> orange color to everything near it.  I gave up and quit worrying about it.
> After all, this is Tennessee, where the university wears BRIGHT ORANGE!

    The bee itself appears to be in natural colour.  I had thought that the
problem might have been the time of day, but I see from the shadow that it
was taken around 8-10AM or 3-4PM, so the colour of the light very likely is
not a problem.

    Along this subject, I use CorelDraw 8 for most editing.  Is there a
freeware (aka shareware) set of overlays that emulate 81 and 82 series
correction filters?


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