> It had been a rough morning, Chuck, and I just didn't write it down. My
> point is, that I would seldom use a large aperture when shooting at
> infinity, so the technical point about the thickness of the adapter is
> academic than useful.
> I appreciate your concern for the details, but I think I will let this one
> slide by. Thanks.
Whoa, don't do that. When I did my OOF test earlier I had the aperture
set to f/22, so I suspect now that if I had opened it up to f/6.8 I would
have seen OOF objects even closer. I will keep that in mind when I redo
that test after the thin M42/OM adapter arrives.
But now I have an additional question: You said earlier that the one
lens you used would focus beyond infinity. Do you still have that excess
focusing available with the M42/OM adapter, or are you now just short of it?
If you had sufficient excess focusing travel on the lens, that would explain
why you are able to obtain infinity focusing with the thicker adapter.
The 400mm f/6.8 lens I've been testing has no focusing beyond the
infinity mark, so any adverse thickness in the adapter would prevent me from
focusing at infinity.
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