Not to stray from the pack but I suggest a Nikon D3 series for high ISO
performance and high shutter speeds and superb color accuracy
On Aug 18, 2011, at 9:50 AM, David Irisarri wrote:
> Dear zuikoholics,
> As you probably know I have come to NY to live and today I met a guy who is
> creating movies. I showed him my portfolio and he really likes it and we
> have been taking for a couple of hours to know each other. He loves retaking
> pictures of his movies being projected in a huge wall and he also likes
> cropping them. He told me if I can help him with this issue in a couple of
> weeks and I have been carefully thinking about the right procedure for
> maximizing quality. He normally enlarges pictures a lot to be displayed in
> galleries and I was thinking about several possibilities.
> First, I think we should rent an Olympus E-5 with the 35-100 f2 lens for
> some reasons. The constant aperture and super high quality of the lens but
> on the other hand I think a movie projected in a dark room it will require
> using a high ISO even the aperture is high and the resolution is awesome.
> Also 35-100 will help him to go inside the projected image and cropping the
> part of the seen we wants.
> I also have been thinking that the camera should be working in manual mode
> for some reasons:
> 1. I need to project the light in a white card and use manual white balance
> because if I use AWB the camera depending on the scenes will get the wrong
> WB for sure.
> 2. Manual exposure. If the scenes are dark or bright the camera will try to
> get the right exposure leading to a wrong exposure in most of the scenes. I
> wonder how I should calibrate the camera in order to get perfect exposures.
> is it possible to project a middle grey to adjust the exposure of the
> camera? I want to adjust the dynamic range of the camera according to the
> projector contrast ratio. I was thinking to read the full specs of the
> projector and adjust the exposure to capture deep shadows and bright
> highlights.
> 3. If the movie is being played at 25 fps in a dark light, I need a minimum
> shutter speed to capture a random frame of the movie.
> So maybe E-5 maybe is not the right tool for doing this. I also was thinking
> in a PENTAX P65+ camera for capturing huge images with very high resolution.
> The movie has a 16:9 format or even wider close to 2.11:1 aspect ratio. If I
> use a four thirds sensor I´ll lose too much resolution.
> I really would appreciate your feedback, ideas, regarding to exposure,
> etc...I would be glad to hear from you what is the best solution as I want
> to create perfect pictures for him. Probably I should use Capture ONE Phase
> V to control the camera from the Apple computer we are going to use.
> David Irisarri
> --
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