Your 55mm Panagor is probably easy to focus because it's an f/2.8 vs.
your Zuiko 50's f/3.5.
Chuck Norcutt
On 8/11/2011 12:14 AM, Brian Swale wrote:
> Another day --- and a good frost. And the little flower continues to open.
> Top line of thumbnails
> Panagor 55 / 2.8 macro on the E-3.
> This close-focusing lens (much built-in extension if you need it) is
> exceptionally easy to focus. Don't know why, it just IS.
> Photos taken earlier in the day than the Zuiko 50/3.5 shots, hence do not
> have the same good dark background.
> I have managed to improve on DOF a little
> The Sigma 90/2.8 didn't work out so well on this subject.
> Could not get top of tripod low enough for this subject which is fairly low to
> the ground, so resorted to hand-held..
> Brian Swale.
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