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Re: [OM] (OM) OT Fine detail

Subject: Re: [OM] (OM) OT Fine detail
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 09:11:10 -0500
I'm appalled. That bokeh is aweful--just look at the Dr. Pepper can.
And those egg-shaped highlights behind the girl? Junk. The boy is
diffused and unclear and of all horrors!!!! He's looking directly at
the camera while the girl is gazing out of the picture itself.

RULES, folks, RULES!!!

Besides, I think it would have been much better in color. I just don't
get B&W photography. The photographer should have used a Canon 5Dmk2
and should have photoshopped out the flaws.

It's grainy too.

AG (it's satire) Schnozz
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