Actually, except for the white-balance issue, those shots are pretty
good. The A-200 is actually a remarkably good camera and any fixation
on noise detracts from the fact that the images don't need to be
ultra-clean, but ultra-there.
Several things make it very good for this application:
1. Awesome lens! One of the best overall lenses we'll ever find.
Minolta optics engineers created a masterpiece with that lens.
2. Sensor-shift image-stabilization. It works extremely well on the
A1, A2, A200 cameras.
3. Twist-and-shout monitor.
4. Lens-shutter. Very quiet and smooth.
5. Minolta image-processing.
As to the sauna... Well, a lot of churches look like that because when
the preacher is a fire and brimstone type, you'll sometimes sweat like
you are in a sauna.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: