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Re: [OM] (OM) OT words

Subject: Re: [OM] (OM) OT words
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2011 11:15:15 -0500
> Just to change the subject a little bit.  It would be great to converse
with other members,  to hear their accents as well as to discuss items


Which does bring up a rather delicate topic. Ham radio. Much of my family is
into it and I grew up with it all around me. I would have gotten the license
way back when, but could never get the Morse Code thingy down. It's a
short-term memory thing combined with deslexia. Regardless,after years of
trying, I gave up and never considered it again. But in recent years the
code requirement has been eliminated. Just out of curiousity, last night  I
got online and took the practice tests and without ANY studying, was
averaging 85% on the Technical and just slightly less on the General. It's
some rule change things over the past 20 years which I had issues with, like
what parts of a given band are reserved for packet and so forth.

Anyway, with over half my family hams, and being spread out all over the
world, I'm kinda getting the itch to give this thing a go again. My timing
is amazing--the Dayton Hamfest is now over. :(  But it would be kinda fun.

So, I bring this up because I imagine that there are more than a handful of
people on this list with ham radio licenses.


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