LOL. I, too, appreciate Keillor, though if you listen to him week after week,
he sometimes wears a little thin, but then so do we all.
Have you seen the movie Prairie Home Companion? It's been a while, but I recall
thinking it a very nice little film.
It's our dirty little secret that lots of us understand irony. But we can't let
on. Matter of national security, y'know?
On May 27, 2011, at 8:31 AM, Andrew Fildes wrote:
> I went to YouBoob and watched a rather unpleasnat and ancient debate between
> Buckley and Gore Vidal to get a feel of this. Both had a significant drawl
> overlaying a well educated voice. I retreated to watching Garrison Keilor who
> I think has a wonderful self-deprecating humour which is strangely English in
> character, a remarkable charm and who is possibly one of the funniest people
> on the planet. I once actually fell off a chair laughing while listening to
> him and I'm reading one of his novels at present - slowly to savour it. It's
> a delightful counterpoint that he is both urbane and educated, while drawing
> his content for the rural. Unfortunately, while very well spoken indeed, he
> did use the word 'gotten' at one point. I must write to him about that. I'm
> sure that he will mend his ways.
> And, heavens, he really understands irony. Is he actually American?
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