Like, wow, man, you like can't argue with, like, logic, man, when it grooves
with the universe, man. It's cosmic sensible, which is a whole different kind
of sensible. <g>
But that said, I like the image, even if I hate the Facebook interface. It does
have a bit of hip-hop in it. <wink>
On May 17, 2011, at 12:11 PM, Ken Norton wrote:
>> But seriously, even if you can't commit to a vacation with one body and
> lens, give it a try on shorter sojourns. Unless, of course, you choose to
> listen to that pesky and eminently sensible Moose and follow _your_ heart.
> <wink>
> Anybody else on this list just completely fed up with Moose's sensibility?
> There are few things as frustrating as arguing a point with somebody who has
> logic down to an artform. Logic is fine if you are logical. But can't I be
> illogical once in a while?
> Picture me standing up on a wooden crate yelling "I've got to be MEEEEE!"
> But, nooooooo, the Moose wins with logic and reason again! It's just so
> frustrating.
> :)
> To frustrate the faceless-crowd, here is a link to a photo taken Sunday with
> my L1-equipped macro rig.
> <snip> It does violate my golden rule of B&W
> imagery where you need an anchor white and an anchor black, but by
> stretching the histogram that far, it changed the song from melodic
> love-ballad to in-your-face Hip-Hop. I've viewed it on five different
> computer screens and an iPad. No two render it the same way, but the iPad
> version is closest to how I wanted it to look.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: