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[OM] In the spirit of using unusual combinations of equipment...

Subject: [OM] In the spirit of using unusual combinations of equipment...
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 12 May 2011 19:42:22 -0500

Photo of the bald dandelion was taken with the E-1, Zuiko 35-80 (at
80mm and close focused), 39mm of extension and the T45 flash with
Rogue FlashBender. Handheld at 1/125 and F8. Flash was set to manual.

The original is as "pixel sharp" (ahem, do note previous comments
about that claim) as it gets with the E-1. The 35-80 is even sharp WAY

The flash was located in the butterfly-lighting positon for this shot.
I preferred the shots where the flash was more to the side, but I
goofed with the background so didn't show those.

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