Thanks, Ian. I liked the Jet Provost and Hawk shots (both of which I flew in
the 1970s, in training), but I'm afraid that the Vulcan does nothing for me: it
was a horrid machine to fly*, it is a relic of the Cold War (although it was
useful in the Falklands conflict) and it wastes gross amounts of money and fuel
I did like the cars and the other aircraft, but I'm sure that I wasn't missing
anything with the Tutor display. The chap does a good job with a limited rate
of roll, but he is limited to a higher base height than most other displays --
for good reasons, but it detracts somewhat from the spectacle.
*not strictly true as it was quite light on the pole, apparently, but the
Vulcan force was an antiquated one and co-pilots were restricted to balancing
the fuel, carrying the imprest (money for detached duty trips) and buying the
beer. Oh, and it had a tiny cockpit with very poor vision out. Finally, you
were posted to Vulcans if you weren't up to flying anything else . . . cb
On 9 May 2011, at 11:14, Ian Nichols wrote:
> I took my E-3 and 50-200 to Abingdon Air & Country Show yesterday.
> There were some old cars, probably the world's slowest McLaren an some
> old aeroplanes. Some newer ones too. My panning technique still
> sucks, guess I need to practise more.
> Apologies in advance to Chris for so many Vulcan shots, and none of
> the Tutor which also displayed.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: