That's a cool taillight shot in sequence #23 and a great portrait of your son
in #19. Too bad about the distracting cord though. If it were mine I'd try to
kill the cord with PS content aware fill.
ps: I have sometimes thought I'd like to have one of the last Continentals
(1998-2002)... but not one of these :-)
Chuck Norcuttt
> -------Original Message-------
> From: Willie Wonka <alienspecimen@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [OM] [OT] Earth Day
> Sent: Apr 25 '11 19:04
> Were were we...
> Last time I told you that am going to celebrate Earth Day by the campfire.
> Now I have pictures to prove it...:)
> The weather was bad, but who cares...we knew that it was going to rain,
> still had more fun than the people on the other end of the campground. They
> came with a camper which was old and small. BTW, this is the first time I
> see someone with a camper there. We always pick places that dont have
> "camper connectors"...:)
> But thoz peeps thought they were prepared...they had a generator...:) It
> was so loud, they had to yell off the top of their lungs to hear each other.
> We went for a hike and three hours later when we passed by, it was still
> running, but no one looked happy. Soon after that they turned it off and
> that was the end of the story...:)
> We had a problem of different nature tho...we realized that it was time to
> say good bye to a good friend. Here:
> No, not Jeepie...I know that some of you would love to see it in the
> crusher. Talking about the little yellow and blue friend in the distance.
> We bought it in 1995 and it has been a very good friend, but the front gate
> zipper broke and also it leaked this time.
> So we need a replacement and a proper burial...:) My first thought was to
> burn it symbolically in the campfire, but then was concerned about all these
> pollutants that it was going to release. Then I thought about burying it
> somewhere in a special a campsite. Then, I got tired of
> thinking and decided to take a poll.
> So...This is the poll. Gimme your best ideas. What do I do with something
> that isnt an inanimate object?
> Back to pictures...We discovered the biggest Lincoln Continental graveyard.
> Look at the red car. It is at least 25m/70ft behind my Jeep and it still
> looks humongous.
> This is what we saw at first:
> But wait...there is more in the back, a lot more:
> Some cahz (RI accent...:) were well preserved:
> Others werent so premium:
> Some of them were covered in moss:
> Here is a close up:
> But the jewel of the crown was that hideous looking thing from the ugliest
> decade ever. Yes, I am talking about the 70's, look at the gawdy color:
> Alex was fascinated by it, because it had a CB radio and a police light
> alike with a magnet on the bottom.
> Up until that moment he had never seen such a monster of a car:
> After reading in our car for almost an hour, Christa came and joined us.
> She too thought that the car is hilarious:
> I had just a few moments for creativity. This is one of the shots I am
> going to be working on:
> There is more in this folder:
> I will upload more to it soon...
> This is it. This is how we spent Earth Day. We were wet, but happy.
> Best
> Boris
> --
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