Could be a dirty/pitted fp safety switch. An emergency fix would be to
CAREFULLY scrap the 2 surfaces with an xacto blade and bend the short
one so contacts are about 1-2mm apart. In oldest OM-2, switch is found
partially covered by the md switch in the bottom of the camera. Newer
bodies have it fp safety completely hidden inside.
Thanks for commenting, John. Before posting the first time I tried a
analog multimeter in ohm meter mode across the pc connector on a
recently CLA's OM2N---picked up
a drop in resistance. Perhaps that is an adequate screen for a major
problem. I only have a few frames left and given the nature
of the event can't risk any slight mal-registration in the former
exposures so will have to shoot it out and experiment then. It has
been over 8 years since a CLA so perhaps it is time anyway.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: