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Re: [OM] Camera Purchase-First Cut

Subject: Re: [OM] Camera Purchase-First Cut
From: Andrew Fildes <afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 09:30:19 +1000
My understanding is that Phase is much faster but less accurate. Remember, 
Phase uses sensors in the body while Contrast measures off the sensor - it has 
to be more precise but the sensor has to be exposed at the moment of focussing. 
That's why the 4/3rds consortium are so keen to get contrast detect working 
well in an 'SLR'.
Andrew Fildes

On 18/04/2011, at 6:35 AM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:

> Phase detection has historically been much 
> faster and more accurate than contrast detection.

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