This reminds me of two stories. Both show that it
really matters how good the driver is.
Decades back, I lived in Saudi Arabia. The normal
vehicle for a Beduoin (desert Arab) by then was
an off-white Toyota two-wheel drive truck. SUVs
were common among the expats. I had an Accord
and did not go driving around in the desert much.
Some did, mostly in Suzuki and Subaru but
there were some Range Rovers, Toyotas and
what have you.
The favorite route was along the old railway
which Lawrence and the lads blew up during
WW I and which has never been rebuilt. Not
an incredibly rough route, being level enough
for a railway, but not really easy either. Lots
rocks and sand dunes.
Some friends of mine did that route in a
convoy of 6 or 8 vehicles, all 4wd and driven
by expats. My friends had a Land Cruiser;
I don't know what the others were. They
had a lot of vehicles get stuck in deep
sand and need to be winched or towed
out. Much drama.
They might have felt all heroic and
adventurous, except that Bedouin
in 2wd Toyotas kept going by and
waving. It helps to know the trails.
Late 90s at a company that was then
busy burning venture capital and that
sank without trace a year or two later.
Located in Ottawa.
The Entrepreneur and CEO manages
to get his vehicle stuck in a few inches
of snow in a level parking lot. Quite a
trick, and even moreso when you are
driving a Hummer!
My buddy Jim tows him out with his
clapped out old Suzuki Samurai.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: