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[OM] Off camera flash with the OM-4T

Subject: [OM] Off camera flash with the OM-4T
From: usher99@xxxxxxx
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2011 17:28:41 -0400 (EDT)
The T45, being in the side and up position is a little awkward for
today's style of placing the flash in-line with the lens. However, not
entirely bad if you get a little creative. I'm using that FlashBender
dohicky. With it mounted sideways to the flash and the flash turned
sideways (it's complicated--like "Pat" on "Saturday Night Live"), I
can have the flash above the lens in either orientation (like "Pat" on
"Saturday Night Live"). It took me a while to sort that one out.


Please post an image of this if you get a sec.  I can't quite visualize 
I think  you gave that doohicky 4 lens caps, and I have been eyeing one.
Dr. Flash hasn't endorsed its use yet though.

Not bending flash enough yet,  Mike

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