Here's an example I was just reading, about the unintelligence of the very
smart.Anderson was the initiator of Philosophy in Australia - the speaker is
David Armstrong, an internationally renowned proponent of Physicalism.
One bad thing, as I think, about Anderson is that, although he preached
critical inquiry, he was very intolerant of it when it was directed against his
own views, especially in his own department and from his own students. (In this
he resembled another outspoken upholder of critical inquiry: Karl Popper. I
sometimes wonder whether there is a law of nature here.) What Anderson really
wanted people to get, whether he admitted it to himself or not, was a good grip
of, and acceptance of, his own position. The Andersonians, as those who bought
the whole, or nearly the whole, package were called, were typical disciples.
But if you had the strength of mind, or character, or just plain cussedness, to
learn from Anderson without becoming subject to him, you could get a wonderful
education from him.
Andrew Fildes
On 13/04/2011, at 3:34 PM, Chris Barker wrote:
> You are certainly generalising, Andrew, I don't know about averaging :-)
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