Still a good shot. I don't have the link to the first, but I like this one
fine, except for the leaf. <g> It really should be gone, and I don't think
CS5's Content Aware Fill will to the trick.
That said, a nice shot, and even though perfectionists might say there's a
distinct color cast, sometimes distinct color casts are good and proper. The
leaves around the bases of the flowers, for example, have a bit of a tint away
from brown, and it drastically improves them. (While the color picker on our
computers tell us there are absolute values to colors, the laws of what's
happening in our various optic centers don't know anything about absolutes.
Optic centers feed signals to image-creating centers, and they may not know
what's absolute, but they know what they like.)
I'm sure Marnie will wail and gnash her teeth when she sees that errant leaf.
On Mar 26, 2011, at 9:57 PM, usher99@xxxxxxx wrote:
> Thanks for commenting Chuck and Bob. I am sure Marnie would have
> plucked that one leaf off had she not been out of town.
> That scan was a bit more off than the others for unclear reasons. This
> rendition may be better.
> Mike
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: