An item from Radio NZ Saturday morning
Tariq Ali
Born in Pakistan and based in London, Tariq Ali is an editor of New Left
Review and has written seven novels and more than 20 books on world
history and politics, most recently The Obama Syndrome: War Abroad.
As the 2011 Sir Douglas Robb Lecturer at Auckland University he will deliver
a series of three, free lectures: Islam and its Discontents (17 March), US
Power Today: The Global Hegemon (21 March), and The Rise of China (23
March) - all from 7pm at the Owen G Glenn Building, 12 Grafton Road.
This podcast (11 MB) is a great interview with RNZ interviewer Kim Hill.
Well worth the listen if you can spare three-quarters of an hour.
I viewpoint that for me was totally different.
May not suit you all; but, hey, find out what others think !.
Brian Swale.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: