The two Manfrotto architectural plates arrived from B&H today. At first
I was disappointed since the new plate didn't appear to seat properly in
the QR head due to the clamping screw extending beyond the bottom plane
of the plate. After a brief inspection I discovered that it's possible
to tighten the screw down on the edge of the recess cut into the plate
for the screw head. That leaves the head protruding too far down and
prevents the plate from seating flat on the QR head. Backing the screw
out and carefully positioning the head into the recess designed for it
proved that all works quite well and the plates fit just as well as the
non-architectural plates. Both the 5D and the 80-200/2.8 are now
wearing the architectural plates. A quick trial on both the tripod and
monopod indicate that the @^%&%& twisting action appears to be a thing
of the past. I'll report if actual field practice proves something
Investment so far about $43 with shipping. :-)
Chuck Norcutt
On 2/27/2011 10:41 AM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> Thanks all. I think the architectural plate is now this one:
> <>
> which is the replacement for this one.
> <>
> Since it's a cheap solution I think I'll try a couple of these; one for
> the 5D and the other for the 80-200/2.8. Both always wear their QR
> plates. If it doesn't go well I'll go whole hog into an Arca-Swiss type
> solution.
> Chuck Norcutt
> On 2/26/2011 2:47 PM, Jeff Keller wrote:
>> Look for the architectural version of the plate. I believe it had the same
>> part number followed by an N.
>> A quick look at B&H showed the architectural version for other models but
>> not the one you have. At one time I did have a few that looked like yours. I
>> don't know if they quit making them or B&H just doesn't have them listed.
>> Basically it is the same adapter plate but with an additional thin metal
>> piece having a lip which extends up. The thin metal plate can be slid around
>> so that the lip is up against the camera or lens tripod adapter but it locks
>> in place once the quick release is locked. IRRC they stopped the rotation
>> but I converted over to AS style quick releases years ago. I have found the
>> cost of AS style quick releases paid back in reliability and ease of use.
>> Jeff Keller
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Chuck Norcutt [mailto:chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
>> Subject: [OM] QR plate recommendation
>> Recently I was out with the 5D mounted on my Manfrotto monopod with
>> 234RC QR tilt/swivel head like this:
>> <
>> el_Tilt_Head_for.html>
>> I have this head because it uses the same QR plate as my main tripod.
>> Normally it's fine but I'm getting increasingly frustrated by the QR
>> plate's inability to keep the camera/lens from drooping down when tilted
>> for portrait orientation. My big and heavy 80-200/2.8 isn't much of a
>> problem since it has it's own tripod mount and keeps camera and lens
>> pretty well balanced. But the 28-80/2.8 is very unbalanced and even the
>> much shorter and lighter Tamron 24-135 can be problematic.
>> -->snip
>> Chuck Norcutt
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