They may be smart but they seem overly blue on the Krappy Kolor laptop.
Chuck Norcutt
On 2/27/2011 3:29 PM, usher99@xxxxxxx wrote:
> Alt title is "Let's eat every bit of Mike's parsley". Saw some black
> fluttering in the garden but easily could have been Spicebush
> butterflies.
> Seeing these guys on the parsley confirmed they were Black
> Swallowtails. I let them eat every bit they wanted but made them sign
> a contract
> to permit me to photograph them as adults. They did not keep their
> word and I have grounds to pursue breach of contract proceedings..
> So, in metamorphosis all turns to soup and gets reorganized. How could
> the memory possibly persist and thus how could they be liable, you ask?
> Well amazingly memories seem to survive metamorphosis.
> Well, they are colorful, handsome little critters so I suppose I'll let
> them off the hook.
> A not litigious, Mike
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: