Are you gonna ignore that AG just called me a pig and it and turn it into and
intellectual argument?
Subject: Re: [OM] [OT] How white are you?
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 07:49:34 -0500
Eat your pork. Low thiamine levels cause neurological problems.
Chuck Norcutt
On 2/15/2011 6:08 AM, John Hudson wrote:
> See here:
> "Its myoglobin content is lower than that of beef, but much higher than that
> of chicken. The USDA treats pork as a red meat.[16] Pork is very high in
> thiamin (vitamin B1).[17] Pork with its fat trimmed is leaner than the meat
> of most domesticated animals, but is still high in cholesterol and saturated
> fat.
> "In 1987 the U.S. National Pork Board began an advertising campaign to
> position pork as "the other white meat" - due to a public perception of
> chicken and turkey (white meat) as healthier than red meat. (Pork is in fact
> red meat.) The campaign was highly successful and resulted in 87% of
> consumers identifying pork with the slogan. As of 2005, the slogan is still
> used in marketing pork, with some variations.[18]"
> This is the "Nutrition" section taken from here:
> I guess that lots of pork was spread around to deceive meat eaters !
> jh
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ken Norton"<ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: "Olympus Camera Discussion"<olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 9:32 PM
> Subject: Re: [OM] [OT] How white are you?
>>> Actually it is a red meat .
>> AG
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