Great phrase I heard years ago, no idea where, but it stuck: "No such thing
as white people - we're pink in the summer and grey in the winter."
On 2/15/11 9:43 AM, Bob Whitmire wrote:
> Well, Boris, white people are typically referred to as Anglo-Saxon, and
> Anglo-Saxon is a combination of Angles and Saxons, so I suppose some might
> think true Anglo-Saxons (A lot of Brits) would be the whitest of the while.
> Now, where the Irish figure into this I don't know. They are neither Angle nor
> Saxon. And, don't forget, the old ethnographic term for white was "caucasian,"
> which derives from individuals in the Caucasus region, which also are neither
> Angle nor Saxon. But then "caucasian," my dictionary says, is now a
> potentially pejorative term rather than an ethnographic distinction. Perhaps
> that's because it was coined by a German, who _might_ have had Saxon in him.
> As someone from what we now refer to as "Eastern Europe," you are not Angle,
> nor are you Saxon, but according to the old German, you qualify as
> "caucasian."
> Which means, of course, that as a descendant of both the British and Irish
> races, with a bit of Scot and German tossed in, I am whiter than you.
> (Hehehe--no offense intended, in case the tone of my response didn't translate
> across cyberspace.)
> Ain't it a wonderful world we live in?
> --Bob
> On Feb 14, 2011, at 11:50 AM, Willie Wonka wrote:
>> Is the mentality in UK really that the Brits are the whitest followed by the
>> Irish etc? Where does this come from?
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