This is interesting... I was reading my very own blog from September 2009
and it reminded me how I got into the Olympus OM. Here is what I wrote:
I have been into photography (more specifically, 3d-stereo photography)
since 1988. I started with the Minolta MD system in 1984. I was happy and
had accumulated a lot of equipment. Then, I got a stereo camera that used
Pentax lenses, so I decided to switch to the Pentax system. Last year I got
a Contax/Yashica stereo camera, so I got interested in these cameras. Then,
someone gave me a Nikon N2000 camera to sell in ebay and I liked the camera,
so I became a bit of a Nikon fanatic.
FINALLY, a couple of weeks ago I bought an Olympus OM1 lot, sold in an
Astrophotography forum.
When I handled the camera and looked through the viewfinder, I was instantly
impressed! The camera is very compact and lightweight. The view through the
viewfinder (this particular OM1 had the focusing screen changed to one for
astrophotography) with a 50mm is really amazing! It is like looking with
your bare eyes.
I instantly fell in love with the system! So, I decided to sell ALL other
camera equipment and concentrate on the Olympus OM system. [PS. I did sell
all the Pentax, Yashica/Contax & Nikon equipment].
I like the simplicity and quality of the system. With the Nikon I was lost.
Take any area of photography and there are numerous Nikon
equipment/accessories. For example, macro bellows. I could never get it
straight how many different Nikon bellows models are around. Compare this
with Olympus: Only one! I love this simplicity. In very short time one can
collect all the equipment he or she needs.
This is exactly what happened :)
I wish I could go back in 1984. The only reason I started with the Minolta
X700 is that my wife had a Minolta SRT 202. So I stayed with the same
system. Why couldn't she have an Olympus OM1??? Why???? My life would
have been much better :)
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: