Yes. Cooke Optics based in Leicester and provided THC lenses for the Reid
cameras (Leicester Leica).
They've almost always been bigger in movie optics.
History here -
Moved from being TTH to THC to CO because the Cooke designs were their stock in
So I suspect that it really should be called a 'Taylor and Hobson Cooke
The Cooke triplet was the original small lens design which was modified to
become first the Tessar (which took over as the small pro-grade lens as it
corrected certain problems with the Triplet) and then the Heliar and Sonnar as
discussed here recently as they made apertures larger than f3.5 possible.
Triplets have been very common - they were the standard type of lens on cheap
compacts and may still be for all I know.
I just bought a modern Cooke Triplet - the Perar Super-Triplet - a hand built
run of 200 by MS Optical -
Miyazki-san is the owner of MS Optical and does most of his business modifying
old lenses for new uses (i.e. rebuilding Contax G lenses) and making some neat
accessories. Every 18 months or so he designs a new lens and makes a short run,
usually to prove a point. This one was an attempt to demonstrate that a Cooke
Triplet, properly designed and with modern coatings, can exceed the performance
of a Tessar design.
It's small enough to be difficult to use but bloody sharp. I've used it on my
E-P2 and M4 with good results.
Oh, if anyone sees a 19mm filter for it - I need a good quality UV and a red
would be nice too.
Leica made them for the original Elmar and I've found some Hoya's but no UV so
Andrew Fildes
On 19/01/2011, at 12:40 PM, AS wrote:
> Is Taylor Hobson Cooke the same as Cooke Triplet? THB lenses seem to pick up
> a pretty penny.
> Heliar lenses are gorgeous, particularly the newer CV.
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