Manuel Viet wrote
> Hi,
> Thanks for the clarification. Not that I has bad feelings for not being
> cited, but because I wasn't even sure you tried wampserver.
> WAMP stands for Windows - Apache - MySQL - PHP.
> So, when you install that collection of programs, you get everything you
> need besides windows to setup a complete server stack :
> 1) first, and foremost, apache, the server itself. In turn Apache stands
> for "a patchy" server because it begun as a collection of software patches
> to improve the limited functionalities of the CERN original server. Hence
> the name, hence the desserved feeling of fuzziness. As of size, it's so
> small as to be irrelevant. Web servers aim at speed, they can't be
> efficient and big at the same time. Consider it's well within the Mb
> range, more likely fitting the Kb range. Most everything else is
> documentation.
> 2) MySQL is a database server. Don't bother at this point, PHP is all
> you'll ever need to talk to it.
> 3) PHP is an interpreter. As a language, you're correct it can be used
> standalone. But it's so finely tuned at producing web pages that you won't
> likely use it another way than within an apache context. Even when writing
> interactive "web 2.0" sites, you're better off leaving the interactivity
> part to page-embedded javascript.
> Hope this helps,
This IS actually on-topic, because it refers to computer functionality and
enabling web-site visitors to select, pay for etc, images made using OM
gear. It's just as much on topic as discussions about darkrooms etc
My 2 cents !!
Manuel, I have now downloaded all four programs.
I had to get the Apache from Romania. All the official Apache mirrors are an
unintelligible mess, and I have told one of their authors as much.
With Romania being a prime source of hacking, viruses etc, and the Apache
download site going to extreme lengths to describe how to ensure that ones'
download of Apache had not been hacked, I am somewhat unsure how
good this material will actually be. Read the bottom of this page
and then this page;
I will uninstall PHP and MySQL, and start again with Wampserver (and
Does this make sense?
Apache is 5.9 MB. About the same size as a large Olympus digital image, to
look at it another way.
I need MySQL to behave as a searchable database. That is why I am doing
this exercise. Otherwise, let me assure you, I would run a mile from this
Secondly, PHP will have to do all the clever work. From what I have read, it
is capable of that. I plan to use the PHP embedded in html pages.
Also, from what I have read so far, this is probably workable.
I will not ever touch javascript. It is too complicated for me. Years ago I did
try simple javascript, and was not too impressed. I often look at the code of
web-pages - and javascript leaves me cold.
I want to do photography; I gave up writing web-pages for money about 10
years ago .. :-)
This time it is for me.
Brian Swale.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: