I realized that I've been ignoring the E-1 a bit lately. The DMC-L1 has
about twice the effective resolution of the E-1 and it has a few other
niceties which have made it a first-grab camera for what I've been needing a
camera for. But on Saturday, things were different...
I went to the local state park where I've been hiking a lot and has a dam. I
wondered if there were any eagles lurking around the dam. Driving 16 miles
round trip is a whole lot nicer than 95 miles round trip. Unfortunately, the
eagles were a bust.
But I did take a bunch of pictures which I'll be posting this evening on
zone-10. Temperature was 8F (-13C) and falling. Until the end, I shot
everything in HQ JPEG and the image files are remarkably good. In fact, I've
been wondering where all the great Olympus Colors have gone. The answer is
that they are right there inside the camera waiting for you.
At first I walked around with just the Tokina AT-X 100-300 attached (using a
monopod), along with the battery-grip. My gloves of choice, initially, were
a recent purchase of neoprene ice-fishing gloves. These are like diving
gloves, but with little slits cut in the thumbs and forefingers. The gloves
would have been fine if the temperature was around freezing, but that far
down and the hands were getting too cold. So, when I went back to the jeep
to change lenses I switched over to regular ski gloves.
The Leica 14-50 lens served duty during the second walk and did fine, but as
I noticed before, extremely cold weather seems to make the focus a bit
hinky. The fly-by-wire focusing just seems to lose direct 1:1 relationship
between the incremental movements along with corresponding focus
Regardless, the E-1 shined in this time of usage and made me wonder all over
again as to why I even bother shooting RAW half the time.
The pictures aren't world class due to subject-lens alignment issues, but
the camera did make the pictures better than they would have been otherwise.
And, the camera felt absolutely fantastic in the gloves and with rare
exception I can do everything I want even with bulky ski gloves on.
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