> I really like the potential option of changing ISO (within limits) in
> the same roll of film, and being able to correct in post-processing
> (scans). Almost a sacrilegious thought.
Basically, what is going on here is that this film has a really long
toe and shoulder. The straight-line section is shorter than a slide
film and any adjustment from the normal ISO rating will result in
reduced tonal separation.
I would encourage the creation of custom ICC profiles for -2, -1, 0,
+1 and +2 exposures.
Back a few years ago I was shooting a bunch of Kodak T400CN film. It
also had a toe and shoulder that went at least four or five miles each
way. It was great, especially for scanning, but in the darkroom you
had to resort to split-grade printing just to get the bottom end to
clean up. Digitizing it is wonderful, but in the darkroom you're
looking for a knife to apply diagonal cuts to wrists.
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