Thanks to all who have responded. What became apparent when reading each
person's posting is how personal bag requirements really are to a
photographer. Typically my bag will have my e-thingy and lenses/accessories
and one
or more film cameras and a lens or two. It is not unusual for there to be
a pinhole, a toy and an OM in addition to my digital camera when fully
packed. Once I get to my destination some stuff may be taken out and the
backpack used to carry the stuff I plan to use for that day. If I need a
computer it will go in my computer bag.
The thing that pushed me over the edge on buying a bag to replace the
stolen one is a trip to Big Bend National Park the end of the month. I will
have my car and could take whatever I wanted for a seven day trip, however
one day will be spent in a jeep and another on horseback, which calls for
something to safely carry a variety of gear in several different situations.
The backpack I decided on is the Tamrac 767.
After searching the web for anyone who discounted these and finding none, I
ordered it from B&H through Ken's link. Same price and it
sends a few pennies to one of our own.
I think I will be happy with this one.
Bill Barber
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: