Thnx. We enjoyed Canada very much. Beautiful country, nice people. We
visited some family in Vancouver and Calgary, and camped in our
quite-large-to-Canadian-standards tent, which we brought from the
Netherlands. I tried to sell it, usually the male Canadians were seriously
interested, but their wives not. Guess it didn't have the WAF of a new Oly
lens (when you take pictures of your (grand-) kids ;-).
The Athabasca Glacier is retracting progressively fast we concluded from the
index plates that are showed along the walk to the ice. But it probably was
retracting long before large scale human CO2 emissions (other than the
results of breathing I mean ;-).
I should add some Lightroom-ed pictures to the gallery, since these are
hardly processed. The second half of our trip, from Calgary back to
Vancouver is still missing too. Oh well, I should finish the foto-book first
2010/12/29 Wiliam Wagenaar <wiliam@xxxxxxxxx>
> Hey Frank,
> I very much enjoyed your series of Canada. Brought back many good memories
> of the trip I made in the summer of 1991. Seems the Athabasca Glacier
> retracted even more than 20 years ago.
> Wiliam
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frank Wijsmuller [mailto:wijsmuller@xxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: woensdag 29 december 2010 15:26
> To: Olympus Camera Discussion
> Subject: Re: [OM] photo gallery software
> I made this site <> with a photo CMS
> called Zenphoto (freeware).
> Advantage is that the main content, the pictures, are in a database (you'll
> need to rent some server space somewhere, but that is not really expensive,
> I rent 1 GB space and 10GB traffic for €1 a month), and you decide on how
> they look, how big they are afterwards. You can adjust many things
> (including the size of the thumbnails ;-) and apply different skins.
> Colours
> can be manipulated by the CSS file (not to difficult to do yourself). You
> might consider it.
> Sorry about the text with the Canada pictures, they are still in Dutch.
> Success, Frank
> 2010/12/28 Brian Swale
> > I've got 80-something images each with associated files in my photo site
> so
> > far.
> > I agree that the thumbnails could be bigger, so plan to raise their width
> > from
> > 70 to 90 pixels. This will take for ever, as I have to modify the pages
> > that
> > contain them, the images, upload them all and delete the old ones.
> > Lots of scope for mistakes, and I get no brownie points for spending time
> > on
> > the computer. :-((
> --
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