They had a clever, ruthless, kill-it-off strategy.
Not a plan at all, that's just the way they ran their business!
It was selling reasonably well in New Zealand, then they decided to not
include "process paid" mailers. I had an abusive letter from Kodachrome
(Auckland) when I sent in some mailer-rolls that my son had bought me in
The Netherlands. They wanted to know how I had come by them. The tone
of the letter was quite unpleasant.
Don't know abouat there, but they were killed off here in the fifties of
sixties as a result of some sort of legal or federal antitrust action. Don't
remember the details, but clearly remember the mailers from my youth.
Next, they made it VERY inconvenient for retailers to stock it. From having
small minimum order size, it went up to 400 rolls minimum. That killed local
That;'s just the way Kodak did business.
700 rolls worldwide? True that's not many, but it is so inconvenient to
to a non-Kodak plant, in another country on the other side of the world -
was quite difficult to find their address, to begin with, and then, how to
for the processing in the USA?
Credit card?
Formerly, there was a great Kodakchrome lab in Melbourne, Australia, and
turnaround was good and payment easy. Quality was tops. That was all
Next, they killed off the Melbourne lab (and a host of others), and the
nearest one was in Japan. As far as I know they weren't interested in
forwarding films to Japan and arranging all that stuff.
Same thing. First it was Kodak processing, then some fresh-faced MBA told
them to make it another company, Qualex, owned by the same people. For
years, it was we're Qualex, now we're Kodak, nope were Qualex again.
I concluded that the Kodak marketing gurus did what they could to
progressively kill it off with a minimum backlash against the company.
Maybe they succeeded in that, but as a result their name in my household is
Mine too, but still, they make some great films!
I will only reluctantly buy any Kodak product now. They can go to hell.
Brian Swale.
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