It looks as if we were in Tampa at the same time, Nathan. I'm not sure that we
have discussed this before. We lived there 88-90, leaving just as Saddam
Hussein invaded Kuwait.
On 26 Dec 2010, at 17:54, Nathan Wajsman wrote:
> You must be joking, Bill. Many things made America great, but the public
> school system is not one of them, unless you are fortunate enough to live in
> a place with good schools. My son was born in Tampa in 1989. The public
> schools there were so terrible that anyone who cared about their children's
> well being found a way to avoid them; the rich sent their kids to private
> schools, the others converted to Catholicism etc. so that they could send
> their offspring to good Catholic schools. We moved to New Jersey in 1990, and
> luckily enough we lived near Princeton. The good thing about college towns is
> that college professors are not paid enough to send their children to
> expensive private schools (we had one of those in our town) but since they
> care about education they get involved in the local school board etc., so the
> public schools in such places tend to be decent too. But those are the
> exceptions. The US has the world's best universities, but below that level it
> is the pits, w
> h some rays of sunshine in places like Lawrenceville, NJ.
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