Anybody trying to tell you that UK schools should be more like US
schools--in any way--is trying to sell you something.
We are continually told to "modernise our schools based on
certain US models" and alter various institutions [health service etc] based
other systems which happen to be flavour of the month. Very simplistic idea,
structures are interwoven / interconnected ,based on different needs
and cultures, you often cannot just compare supposed like with like.
John Duggan,
Wales, UK
Jan's got it right. It's not about making money, it's about attitude. He's
also right in that, you have to have a plan and you have to be a disciplined
saver. Even saving $20/week starting when you're 30 and ending when you're
75 can gross over $123k. May not seem like a lot for retirement, but then
neither is $20 a week. That's two days of not eating out for lunch, or
dinner for one.
The tough part is taxes :)
(By the way Jan, I think it's pretty neat that you guys were able to grow
all of your own food. My parents grow a lot of theirs, though deed
restrictions will not allow them to have chickens, so they still have to buy
eggs and meat.)
Message: 9
> Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2010 22:33:46 -0800
> From: Jan Steinman <Jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: [OM] Economics
> To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Message-ID: <6E12763B-4758-4536-B466-C6CDF116A0E0@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> > From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> >
> >> The reward for the great majority of
> >> humanity is however truly in the long run, very long run, pie in the sky
> >> when you die by and by. Surely not economic. This is the great myth of
> >> the American Dream.
> >
> > Yes, as part of my midlife crisis, I did an analysis of what brought
> > us to the present condition. Little did we realize the
> > work-house-car-stuff cycle is just the modern-day equivalent of owing
> > your soul to the company store. The question is how to get off the
> > spinning merry-go-round?
> A plan would be good. It doesn't happen overnight. You just can't jump off
> -- at least, most people can't.
> First step: downsize as much as you can stand it. Then reduce your expenses
> to the bone. Then put away every cent you can, and find out some way to grow
> food. They haven't figured out how to tax food you grow for yourself (yet)
> although the recently-passed SB-510 gives them the tools to do so.
> <snip>
Now, on to actual Olympus OM related items: I finally got an OM-4T! It's a
well-used silver model, just like I wanted. Got a great deal through
Rangefinderforum. Merry Christmas to me!
First impressions: very well made, very precise. Much nicer (in my opinion)
than the OM-2S. Intuitive meter. Intuitive controls. Nice viewfinder, and
having a diopter is very nice as well. It will make a great partner to my
OM-2n or OM-1n. I'm going to go out and use it now!
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: