Thanks for the upbeat feedback. I'm sure every one of us is with you
and yours and I'm very glad it appears to be working. May the happy
times continue.
Chuck Norcutt
On 12/23/2010 6:32 AM, Bob Whitmire wrote:
> An update on my son Ben, and a request that your prayers, good
> feelings, positive energies, etc., continue. I believe they have hit
> the mark. Ben remains stable and at home, and most importantly,
> happy. He has recovered his breath and is able to engage in pretty
> much his normal routine. (I say most importantly, because with
> autism, mental retardation, etc., Ben isn't really aware of his
> medical condition. He is most aware of whether he is where he wants
> to be, doing what he wants to do.) Most of the fluid causing the
> congestion seems to be gone. The heart, however, is still dilated,
> though by how much his family doctor couldn't tell. He sees his
> cardiologist on the 29th for another echo and physical exam.
> So as we enter the, ah. heart of the holiday season, if you've got
> spare prayers, positive thoughts, star-alignment techniques, etc.,
> please send a few Ben's way. He seems already to have benefitted.
> We're hoping to keep moving in that direction.
> Meanwhile, the best to all of you this season!
> --Bob Whitmire
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