On 10/27/2010 9:35 PM, Brian Swale wrote:
> Hi all,
> Today I got caught out unexpectedly.
> A Hoya Circ-Pol filter got stuck on the end of my Zuiko 100/2 lens. I had not
> screwed it on hard. And after a lot of trying suddenly I found the 'sweet
> spot'
> and it came off as easy as pie.
> Seems to me it is not perfectly round and there is some metal-to-metal
> binding.
> So I thought to myself: "lubrication is what's needed here
Shouldn't be needed. They are designed to work without lubrication. Certainly a
Hoya and Zuiko combination should have
no improperly matched metals that would bind.
You've hit the nail on the head above; "Seems to me it is not perfectly round
and there is some metal-to-metal binding."
The problem is that the ring on the filter gets out of round when you squeeze
it to unscrew it. The tighter you squeeze,
the harder you press the metals together, thus defeating your purpose.
The trick is to hold it lightly and at several points around the perimeter when
unscrewing it. That's how you find,
create, really, the "sweet spot". Or get a proper size filter wrench, which
grabs evenly all the way 'round.
Any lubricant has the potential to end up at least on the filter surface, if
not the lens itself. Anything thick/lumpy,
like candle wax, actually takes up space in the threads and can make the
binding worse.
"Softly, softly, uncatchy filter."
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