One of my printing gurus has said that if the scale is somewhere between 180
and 400 (and I believe this is dpi, not ppi), you can get a good print. Less
than 180 and it starts to fall apart. More than 400 and the same thing happens.
He recommends no up or down rez unless the final size falls outside the 180-400
limits. (The 400 was actually more like 420 or 460, but I don't recall which at
the moment, and I'm way too lazy to look it up.)
I know a lot of folks when they run their RAW files through ACR, set 'em to go
to 300 ppi, but I've also seen some of the Mighty Ones, live and in screen
shots, who let 'em go at 240 and call it good. I've been converting at 240 most
of my time and I'm not complaining.
--Bob Whitmire
On Oct 25, 2010, at 5:02 PM, Ken Norton wrote:
> The camera makers really love this. They are selling cameras by the
> boatloads to us photographers that think we have to have 18mp to print
> anything larger than a postage-stamp.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: