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Re: [OM] Finally, some darkroom time (couple of OM B&W prints)

Subject: Re: [OM] Finally, some darkroom time (couple of OM B&W prints)
From: "Bill Pearce" <bs.pearce@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2010 17:36:11 -0500
There are several types of "printers" that write to photo paper. One is long
gone, that used a CRT. It was not great but surprisingly good considering.
Others used LED's. The top of the line uses lasers. These are big, very
expensive, and are sold only with maintenance agreements that total over
$1500 a month! A local lab now out of business had one, but it was
considered only possible to pay for one by running three shifts a day, which
they couldn't get the dusiness to do.

Bill Pearce

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Fildes [mailto:afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2010 1:34 AM
To: Olympus Camera Discussion
Subject: Re: [OM] Finally, some darkroom time (couple of OM B&W prints)

I believe that some use a strip of LED's to expose the paper.
Andrew Fildes

On 21/10/2010, at 12:49 PM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:

> No.  Not a projector.  Just an ordinary Noritsu or other brand 
> chemical printer.  The same that's used to create our color digital 
> prints... but not an ink jet printer.  I don't know how they light the 
> paper.  I've heard lasers and I've also heard flat screen CRTs.  Maybe its
either one.

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