My experience as well. Apart from being a bit frustrated that they tend to
start at the back and flip forwards!
Nathan originally gave me the idea to use a Blurb 7x7 as a carry around book
for when people ask you, "What kind of work do you do." I think I mentioned the
experience of meeting Andrew Sanderson in the Photographer's Gallery in London
and simply swapping Blurbs! They make good presents for family and friends as
well if you can do it without ego tripping. :-)
Andrew Fildes
On 21/10/2010, at 10:42 AM, Moose wrote:
> It's going to be a long time before web and computer or TV screen replaces a
> photo book as a way to present images. We
> are still tactile creatures. Holding the book in hand, the tactile feel of
> the pages as they are turned, flipping back
> and forth, being able to hold the image at different distances and angles -
> all of these seem to play into the
> experience and affect the viewer's reaction to the images themselves, both
> individually and as a set. Being bound
> together seems to lead people to consider the set as a whole work much more
> than a web gallery
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: