On 08/10/2010 21:28, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> Uh huh.
> <http://wattsupwiththat.com/2009/01/31/ocean-acidification-and-corals/>
> Chuck Norcutt
I've been a sceptic for thirty years. Except then, we were all going to
freeze to death. Because of Carbon Dioxide.
They have no idea what constitutes climate drivers. None. Until they
take account of the electrical input, the models will be bogus.
They still can't explain lightning, or tornadoes (slow-motion lightning)
Read Ralph Juergens, Hannes Alfven, Charles Bruce. Think about all those
flux tubes, 'rains' of charged particles and where all those magnetic
fields came from. It's electricity.
ITES (It's the Electricity, Stupid).
I'm a Mac, but I'm happy with my PC.
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