The analogy I use between Mac and PC, and I've used both for years now, is like
that between Harley Davidson (or, for our European mates, British bikes) and
BMW. If tinkering, puttering, tightening things, replacing things, working on
the side of the road while traffic flashes past at 100 miles an hour is your
thing, well, you ride a Harley. Or a Triumph. At least you used to. I'm sure
much has changed since I straddled the saddle. If, on the other hand, you
wanted merely to climb on your bike, start it (every time) and ride, you chose
I got tired of F&*$ing around with PCs years ago. I got tired of always
watching out for malware and occasionally having it slip through. I got tired
of having effing Norton take over my system and run my effing life. I got tired
of unhooking everything and digging into the guts of the machine to switch out
this or tweak that or replug something or other. I just flat got tired of the
Windows hassle, and let's don't even talk about the clunky, inefficient
excrement Mickeysoft calls its operating systems, which have interfaces that
are just warmed over Mac guis from half a century ago. (Exaggeration alert!)
So I switched. I've never been happier. I have my issues with Mac, but just the
time I've saved not mucking around with Norton has increased my productivity
100 percent. Not to mention the elegant simplicity of Apple's Airport wireless
technology. I've done linksys and Netgear, and take it from me, Airport is the
bee's knees.
That said, for most of us, it's a matter of taste. We can argue about which is
better until the cows get tired of it and don't come home anymore. Me, I've
played in both camps and I'm a Mac guy now. And I'll stay a Mac guy 'cause more
than anything else, I just want to turn it on and work. That, and smile
beatifically when I read about the latest malware or virus that's making the
rounds. Besides, as Moose pointed out, Apple owners are smarter, more
beautiful, richer and drive sexier cars. <g>
To each his own, and I got mine.
--Bob Whitmire
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: