That is one sweet looking camera. Depending on pricing and how it
performs (particularly focus speed) I might "need" one of those as my
new climbing camera.
Jim Couch
On 9/20/2010 6:42 AM, Sawyer, Edward wrote:
> This is certainly the most interesting digital camera I have seen in at least
> a few years, maybe ever. It's like a digital version of the Konica Hexar AF,
> one of if not the best compact fixed-35mm lens cameras ever.
> If the price is reasonable I can find a reason to have one of these, even
> though I am a 100% film-only shooter, generally.
> There's no shame that this is from Fuji and not Oly. Fuji has really been
> kicking ass lately, with the GF670, GF670W (ok, Cosina helped...), and now
> this. Bravo!
> -Ed
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