Hi Ken,
Your shouting is way to load, I know I'm going deaf but not
that badd, yet :-)
I agree with Moose as well.
> Another option is a slide copier on a DSLR. I had some decent results with
> the 80/4 Auto, Auto Bellows and Slide Copier,
> all hung on a 5D. Practical resolution for older film was about the same as
> the FS4000. With a higher resolution camera,
> it might well do better. Still, manual film advance and lack of IR cleaning
> make it less effective than a scanner.
I have both a home made sldie copier for DSLR as well as
the OM Slide copier, rails, auto bellows etc.
Works great for slides, pain for negs but one day I'll get
back to either it or the Plustek, or that other one I have
thats currently packed up but I cant remember the brand.
On day, ya, I said that last year as well...
Ian Manners
"Some women hold up dresses that are so ugly and they always say the same
thing: 'This looks much better on.' On what? On fire?" --Rita Rudner
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