Another Ians unasked for Camera review.
Having used the E-450 for the past week (the broken one
I got on eboy and fixed), I have come to the realisation that
it really, really needs an OM winder attached to it.
Bloody things to small, no, I take that back, I can still hold
an OM 4Ti properly, this thing just doesnt balance properly,
I've already dropped it twice, and I've never dropped a 4Ti
in the past 15 years (I'm ignoring further back).
It;'s not just the balance, maybe I'm to use to OM's but the
E450 is taller and thicker than the OM4 and I've just picked
up the OM4 with a 24mm f2.8 lens on it, and compared to this
E450 with a 25mm F2.5, the OM4 just fits the hand so much
Dont get me wrong, its a nice camera, and I'll keep it in the
glove box until I break it, but I cant ever see myself getting
another E4xx series unless I can put an OM winder on it.
The E-3xx, E-5xx, and the E-x are all so much easier to handle
and yet they are so much bigger.
Nice pics etc but I suspect I should have just given up and
bought a small Canon PnS for the car but it was a bargain :o)
Ian Manners
The Microsoft Macarena: spin, spin, spin.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: