Thanks for the advice, Jan.
Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jan Steinman" <Jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 1:07 PM
Subject: [OM] Yellow Jackets [was: Re: IMG: Crab Spider]
>> From: "Jim Nichols" <jhnichols@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> The most dangerous insect we encounter, aside from the infrequent
>> black
>> widow, is the yellow jacket, which builds its nest in the ground.
>> If you
>> walk over a nest with a walking mower you are in for trouble.
> An amazing fact: their visual system is optimized for motion, and you
> are essentially invisible and not a threat if you don't move. Also,
> they can sense your fear via pheromones.
> Numerous times, I've outwitted yellow jackets by remaining absolutely
> still and calm.
> One time, a few of us were splitting up rounds for firewood. We were
> digging them out of underbrush, and dislodged a hornet nest in logging
> slash, a favourite habitat.
> My helpers ran screaming from the scene, and were followed by clouds
> of hornets. Each suffered multiple stings.
> I was closest to the nest, and was holding a 50 pound Doug Fir round.
> I closed my eyes, forced myself to breathe slowly, mentally calmed
> myself, and stood stock still. My friends reported that a small swarm
> of hornets came for me, circled me several times, then went back to
> the nest. With aching arms from holding the firewood, I opened my eyes
> and slowly backed away from the nest, halting for a few seconds
> whenever a hornet would head my way. I was the only one of us without
> stings that day.
> It takes a lot of nerve, but what do you have to lose if you think
> you're going to get stung anyway?
>> ... a full can of hornet spray,
> Ugh. I'd rather be stung by a hornet than spread liquid cancer around
> my house.
> ----------------
> Law of Historical Causation: "It seemed like the thing to do at the
> time." -- Michael Uhlmann
> :::: Jan Steinman, EcoReality Co-op ::::
> --
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