Your screen has a resolution of approximately 90 ppi.
Chuck Norcutt
Jim Nichols wrote:
> Hi Chuck,
> There are a number of constraints when trying to display images on line.
> The camera delivers 240 pixels/inch, getting close to your target of 300,
> but, if when I tried to display a large image on the LUG gallery, I
> encountered the gallery-imposed limit of 10MB per image. I reduced the size
> to get below that, but left the resolution at 240. On my Epson R800
> printer, I can only go up to 8.5 x 11, so it is not worthwhile to try a
> print to prove anything.
> However, when I display this latest TIFF image to my full screen size, I
> can't discern a fall-off in definition in the area of the original image I
> displayed.
> Jim Nichols
> Tullahoma, TN USA
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Chuck Norcutt" <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: "Olympus Camera Discussion" <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Sunday, August 01, 2010 1:01 PM
> Subject: Re: [OM] IMG: Higher Resolution Cleome Image
>> Sorry, I guess I didn't make myself clear. I was not disparaging Jim,
>> or the E-510 or the 35/3.5 macro. I was only talking about the apparent
>> depth of field... that what appeared sharp in the far background (the
>> furthest extent of the DOF) on a small screen image would not be so
>> sharp on an 8x10 print. The size of your image is only 1129 pixels
>> vertically. When printed 8x10 the resolution (without interpolation) is
>> only 141 pixels/inch. At normal reading distance typical human vision
>> (not counting Moose) requires 300 pixels per inch such that we don't
>> discern the pixels. This image can't be printed larger than 4x5 to
>> accomplish that. That doesn't mean you still can't make a good looking
>> 8x10 with interpolation but I believe the apparent depth and some of the
>> sharpness of the small image will be lost in the enlargement.
>> Chuck Norcutt
>> Jim Nichols wrote:
>>> Chuck, et al,
>>> I think the Cleome image would print well at 8x10 or larger. Here is
>>> a slightly larger crop, to show some of the OOF elements as well as
>>> the area in the original image. This was saved as a TIFF image,
>>> around 9MB, and should be viewed large by clicking on the box symbol
>>> at the top or bottom of the page.
>>> I think that you are selling the E-510/ZD 35/3.5 Macro capability
>>> short.
>>> Jim Nichols Tullahoma, TN USA
>> --
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