The US air travel industry seems to be doing its best to go into
terminal decline regardless of fuel used.
Chuck Norcutt
Jan Steinman wrote:
>> From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>> We have an incredible system of intercity transport here that makes
>> far more sense than rail. We have air-travel.
> Yea, air travel will be looked upon by future historians as pretty cool.
> But it is grossly inefficient, from an energy standpoint.
> Do you think we'll be able to produce cheap, alternative fuels to
> support air transport? Or do you think oil will somehow remain
> relatively cheap? Do you have any concern for CO2 buildup in the
> atmosphere and oceans?
> If not, then hell yes, let's fly all we can. But to me, those
> arguments mean air travel has begun a terminal decline.
> ----------------
> If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular
> error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
> :::: Jan Steinman, EcoReality Co-op ::::
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